"As It Happened" Poetry & Storytelling Marathon Reading- watch video
Tamra read at Art Pawn and it will officially air on 8/4/24 (Tamra's minutes: 9:57 - 16:00) at https://kpiss.fm/episode/art-pawn-x-the-dr...
"As It Happened" Poetry & Storytelling Marathon Reading- watch video
Art Pawn Presents: "As It Happened" Poetry & Storytelling Marathon Reading
Poetry Electric: WORDS BREAKING DOWN WALLS (Women's History Month)
Ariel Publishing LLC- essay published
Free State Review
Poetry and Coffee week
Sprouts Devotional book of art, poetry and meditations
Rue Scribe
Backlash Best Book Award short-list
Feature Friday Poetry Reading with Tamra Plotnick & Kenneth Pobo
The Closed Eye Open- Issue III
Eastern Iowa Review
In the Zero of Sky- preorder
Beyond Words issue 9
2020 Mizmor Anthology- pre order
Vessel Arts Mag
The Raw Art Review: A Journal of Storm and Urge
LitNight Reading Series
Flying Ketchup Press: acceptance