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New York Poetry Festival, Governor's Island 2017


Tamra Plotnick

Tamra Plotnick’s poetry and prose has been published in various journals and anthologies, including: Lurch; The Waiting Room Reader, Vol II: Words to Keep You Company; and Global City Review: International Edition. She teaches at The James Baldwin School, dances often, and lives with husband, son and daughter in Brooklyn. At Art Kibbutz she is working on her poetry and a new website for artists called Idea Hub. She created collaborations with several artists on site including Kevin Bernstein and Lev Ari - also presented her poetry at the New York Poetry Festival on July 31st with Pinny Bulman and Hillel Broder. In August 2016 Tamra held a successful interactive poetry presentation to visitors featuring poems that she wrote while at Art Kibbutz.

In 2017 Tamra presented her new work at the New York Poetry Festival's WonderWoman on Governor's Island curated by Art Kibbutz and Shira Dicker.

The Nymph Sees New Life

In her cocoon of giant veils She spectates the birth: bouncing baby galaxy

Tamra Plotnick (written to painting created by Lionheart during 2016 Art Kibbutz residency.) DIURNAL DIRECTIONS

Put on your daily dream like a clear cat suit but first browse the mental meat locker while flipping through ancient virtual phonebooks and catalogs of karmic catastrophe yo best decide your daily worldly wish and which role you will act: Somnolent Spinster? Sacred Superhero? Simpleton Visionary? Verified Vagrant? Vilified Innocent? Once dressed your disguise safeguards previous identities and your soiled underthings remain invisible

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