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The Raw Art Review: A Journal of Storm and Urge

Updated: Feb 22, 2023

"Golpes After Vallejo" has been published in The Raw Art Review: a Journal of Storm and Urge Winter 2020 Issue.  You can download the issue here. If you want a hard copy of the book, you can purchase it at:


“Hay golpes en la vida tan fuertes…”*

not tiny insults like the cat’s claw

piercing your sweet big toe till it spouts crimson tears

You are sturdy and have antiseptic

The cut is but an inch in your miles and miles of life


“Hay golpes en la vida tan fuertes…”

Blows so hard in life

So strong

“Hay golpes …”

they shot off his face

that boy, so pure and golden

fresh from the island when I first knew him

now a man, a father

who cannot stand whole for his progeny:

three children

two stateside, one on the island


“Hay golpes en la vida tan fuertes…”

Blows so hard in life

So strong

“golpes …”

they severed his identity

one bullet that sliced through his face

amputating the chin, half the mouth

half his face fell off,

the jaw bones, left splintered


Hay golpes en la vida tan fuertes…

Blows so hard

Perhaps not softened but cushioned

By a sister who unravels miles and miles of life

To cocoon this shattered man

To wrap those golpes en la vida

in the endless silk

of her love

* Line from Cesar Vallejo

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